Piano Tuners

04:16 PM

Looking at that last post of mine, I realize how much I sound like a buffoon. This blogging thing is new to me, so I'm not sure if the blown-up, pretentious flourishes are due to a) literary tendencies, b) growing pains as I adjust to proper blogging tone, or c) a reflection of the pompous ass that I truly am. Methinks the latter.

I wonder what piano tuners listen to at home. Complicated Bach fugues, where a multitude of notes weave around each other, in complex and perfect harmonies? Or do they sit in dark rooms with the blinds pulled, pieces by Morton Feldman or Schoenburg at high volume: gloriously dissonant, where nothing ever sounds right, and all that order undoes itself.

Our guy looked like he was probably a fan of Bruce Springsteen or Roch Voisine.

on Apr 7, 2003

insert doodle of a man with no teeth rolling a ball up a hill. Broken Social Scene's 'Almost Crimes' sounds a lot like The Arcade Fire's 'Headlights etc.' but they mixed it good. see you tomorrow.

Posted by: Nathan at April 8, 2003 12:43 AM
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