April 13, 2002
Risotto Cakes

Drool, I just remembered these mushroom risotto cakes we made in A La Carte class a few weeks ago, simply delicious; take some cold mushroom risotto, form into small cake, batter with egg and cornstarch and deep-fry. This way we could serve risotto without the annoyance of making it "a la minute".

This brings us to the issue of kitchen layout which is largely dependent on the menu which isn't set yet. That said I think I'll want a small-ish 2 basket deep-fryer. I'll have to look into Oil (for frying) and gas (for heating the oil) prices before making a decision. Also I want to try to keep the food somewhat healthy so the fryers will be mainly for apps and maybe deserts. Tho I shouldn't discount the idea of having sweet potato fries on the menu, had them at Juice for Life on Bloor and they're delish!

Posted by JP at April 13, 2002 01:01 PM
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