April 17, 2002
Fresh Bread

I really like the idea of making the bread in the restaurant. I guess that's probably not really economically feasible, but if a lot of bread were to be served, it might make sense to have someone baking it rather than buying it all... and freshly baked bread just tastes so much better!

Although, I have always wondered if having delicious bread at a restaurant is ultimately a bad thing... because it makes it so tempting to just fill up on bread before the meal has even started, and then you are too full to eat it all...

By the way, I am Kyla and I too will write to JP's blog-thing sometimes.

Posted by Kyla at April 17, 2002 11:19 AM

Hooray for Kyla!

mm. fresh bread. Perhaps baking fresh chapatis/naan/tortillas etc. would be viable, however. Most upscale restaurants do that. And if you made a bunch of minibun dough, froze it, and then stuck it in the oven... though I suppose that's not 'fresh'...

Posted by: Sean on April 17, 2002 02:33 PM
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