April 20, 2002
Steven Davey

So I tried to interview Now food editor Steven Davey but it turns out he's too busy, so instead he sent me this short blurb about food writing, enjoy!

Sometimes readers or friends tell me about some interesting place they've spotted. More often, I discover them myself (unless its some kind of corporate steakhouse/hotel launch). How I do that is confidential, heh.
I pay cash (no waiter's ever complained). I have an expense account. There are all sorts of ways to keep one's anonymity. I have a group of about 20 people who go out with me regularly (I usually go to a restaurant at least 3 times and under different conditions). I've trained my guests how to behave in front of the waiter so they're not suspicious - I tell them not to mention my name or where I work, d'oh - and they also know not to ask too many questions (dead giveaway). Playing dumb instead of well-informed helps fool them, too.
You don't say, "Is this basil or sage?"
You say, "What's this green stuff?"
I've never been spotted that I know, though having dealt with the calibre of waitstaff in town, they likely don't know who I am or care for that matter.
Although it helps to be thoroughly informed on food matters - I do a ton of peripheral research - if you can't write, it doesn't matter what you opine about lunch. Unfortunately, this doesn't stop most food writers!

Posted by JP at April 20, 2002 12:58 AM
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