April 21, 2002

Yes, awesome, I love it! All that stuff will go in the restaurant, that's the main theme I'm going for, basically a neighbourhood hangout where people don’t feel pressure to spend money (but hopefully they will). Books, magazines, games, all that stuff adds to the relaxation of the customers and if the guests (as we call them in the hospitality industry) are happy they’re more likely to stay a while and maybe even come back! Of course I’ll have to integrate the requisite geek-factor into the equation with a couple of free internet terminals and maybe a tabletop pacman game. And one of those “police trainer” gun-games, those are fun. I don’t want to have this become an arcade-themed place like the Honest Lawyer in Ottawa but a game or two with the sound turned down would be nice.

Posted by JP at April 21, 2002 01:09 PM
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