April 22, 2002
This and That

The first thing I thought when I read your post about arcade games was Foosball!! but then I realised that maybe having a big, rowdy, fairly physical game in the middle of a restaurant might not do wonders for the ambiance, alas.

I'm not sure what the laws are in Toronto, but I think that the venue part of the restaurant should be non-smoking....

This is such a great time of year for produce! Starting to be so many beautiful fruits and vegetables, and for low prices too... which reminds me: Do you think it would be better to have a seasonal menu, or just stick surprise items on when you find a good deal on something fresh and lovely.... like "ooh! Cheap pineapples today! Let's put pineapple upside-down cake on the menu!" --- Well, I guess it doesn't have to be one or the other. Could have some menu items year-round, some for part of the year when they rely on fresh fruit/veg, and some just with whatever is nice that day. Is this what most restaurants do?

Posted by Kyla at April 22, 2002 02:36 PM
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