April 26, 2002
Communal Dining

There was an article in the Globe today about communal dining tables in restaurants. It's a cool idea, to have one big table where people on their own can sit and chat up the other solo diners. I was at Le Commensal today and it was sooooo strange... the place is huge, and other than my sister and I there were about 5 other people - all 30-40 year-old men eating alone. It was such a strange atmosphere - all quiet and awkward and lonely-seeming. Perhaps if there was some sort of encouragement for these loners (and I use that word in the kindest sense) to eat together, everyone could benefit...

Although, there are some problems with the idea: (1) if there are lots of empty tables, I think people would probably sit alone regardless; (2) in the restaurant mentioned in the article, the customers were seated by a host-person, and given the option of dining alone or at the communal table... if a place is seat-yourself, it might be difficult to get this sort of thing going... ; (3) strangers might get into arguments... if the communal table was anything like the TM forum, say, there would be big brawls all the time.

Worth a thought, though.

Posted by Kyla at April 26, 2002 11:57 PM

I love the idea of communal dining but yeah... tough to force people together. You could have an open lounge/couch area that would give people the oportunity to sit side-by-side without forcing it on them. Another idea that's sorta related that I like is passing communal dishes around the table like in chinese food restaurants. Maybe you could allow people to order any multiple of any menu item like "Caesar salad x2" and then it would come in a big bowl with two smaller bowls.

Posted by: JP on April 27, 2002 09:13 PM

This is big in Europe, especially Germany and Switzerland, and is a fantastic way to dine. This was perhaps the biggest dining revelation during my trip.

Posted by: Luke Seemann on May 1, 2002 10:04 PM
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